The Name That Bastard finalists have been chosen.

Please take a look, choose your favourite, and let me
know who it is.

Click here.

(You'll be able to see the bastard immortalised in print in my new book A Girl Like You, out December 2010.)


Harrison and I met through friends and quickly fell into an awkward
game of cat and mouse. First, he was into me, so I became interested
in him, which made him less interested in me, which made me REALLY
interested in him. Then I would get bored of the chase, let go of it
and move on for a few weeks, and then he'd be back at it, interested
in me again. Still a kid and not very good at the dating game and keen
for all the male attention I could get, the circle resumed. It was
humiliating in retrospect, but I couldn't see it at the time, so
things continued this way for a few months.

As stated above, I was completely fresh to the dating game, and while
he was by no means my first kiss, this was certainly the first time
things with a boy had come this far. I am embarrassed to say that
within twenty minutes of our first kiss, he had his hands threaded
through my hair as I performed what was definitely my first and
possibly the worst blowjob in history.

They say that the way you spend your New Years is the way you spend
the rest of your year, and if that's true, then 2010 is bound to be a
year of drunkenness, screaming Lady Gaga in the snow, turning down sex
with a very attractive, lovely guy because I didn't want to spoil
anything that might happen with Harrison once I got home, being
hungover and being told for absolutely no reason that the boy I'm
interested in "doesn't see us dating", and not being given an
explanation as to what went wrong and why the sudden change of heart