The Name That Bastard finalists have been chosen.

Please take a look, choose your favourite, and let me
know who it is.

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(You'll be able to see the bastard immortalised in print in my new book A Girl Like You, out December 2010.)

Sailor Stevie

So I’ll keep this short & sweet as that’s exactly how it was, well it was actually short & bitter!

I got swept of my feet by a Sailor; he was a Captain of a Yacht in the Virgin Islands (glamour screaming at me!) Sailor Stevie as I called him (yuk!) invited me out to spend time on “his” boat over Christmas & New Year in 2008. He was so amazing, totally into me & lavishing me with gifts & showering me with affection, bliss...

After a month sailing the breathtaking Virgin Islands, I returned to the UK feeling positive & content about our blissful relationship, he was returning a few weeks later & we would resume back in the UK.

2 Weeks passed & I’d not heard from Sailor Stevie, not uncommon, as at Sea; keeping in contact can be infrequent.

However, my next form of communication was from a major tabloid paper, Sailor Stevie had eloped with a well known celebrities wife!

No Sorry or it wasn’t working out, just front page news. Needless to say I am naming that bastard!